The cycle trail connects the historic operating sites in today’s municipal area of Grafenwöhr and provides information on their long and successful history on display boards.
The 30-kilometer route runs mostly on signposted bike paths and is marked with the „Hammer und Mill wheel“ sign at important junctions.
The Grafenwoehr Culture and Military Museum ( is responsible for the historical information and photos.
The city of Grafenwöhr hopes you enjoy exploring the former hammer mills and mills around Grafenwöhr!
The cycle trail was supported with funds from the regional budget of the ILE Region VierStädtedreieck within the framework of rural development of the Free State of Bavaria and the Federal Republic of Germany, 2021.
Stations and route
Click on the stations to get more detailed information.
Introduction hammer mills and mills around Grafenwoehr
Starting point is the small parking lot at the Thumbach creek in Untere Torstraße, 92655 Grafenwöhr. After the building Untere Torstraße 19 turn to the right to the parking lot.
Route with stations former hammer mills & mills
Track profile and GPS data you can finde here: